Welcome back to another edition of Retro '71, the shirts we all want but can't have.
This weeks post came about when I was talking to one of my friends about the vintage Mickey Mouse shirt that's currently floating around the parks. I was sad to find out that the DDG only offered it in a female cut. My friend and I talked about the vintage shirt sold back in the day that incorporated the retro Mickey face, the classic WDW logo and the castle icon. I knew I had to recreate it for Designerland.
What's even more interesting is that JUST today someone tweeted me asking if I could recreate the design for them. I told them to check the blog tonight. I hope I did it justice!?!?!?

I decided to offer up two versions of the design because I didn't feel right just recreating it..it only took 30 minutes to do so I had to challenge myself with a second concept where I slightly changed the colors and added some outer strokes and placed it on a new ground color. Let's face it, white tees are sometimes just blah (even if the design is amazing). I also added some vintage washing texture to complete the Retro '71 look. Personally I'd go with the original design, on a white tee with either red or black accenting neck and arm rings.

Well that does it for this weeks post. I have so many fun and interesting things in the works that I just can't find the time to get to those blasted typography case studies. Keep your fingers crossed and send some good vibes my way in hopes that a project I'm working on with a creative counter part get's the green light. Okay until next week, thanks for stopping by and see you soon!