As of late you may have noticed that Designerland has become well rather stagnate. I apologize for not keeping up but with my full time day job, my freelance work and renovating a home...there just isn't enough time in the day.
Since September my freelance work grew and the projects I got to be a part of were simply a dream for a Disney dork like myself. This year will be an amazing year for park merchandise, just wait and see!!!
Things are about to change here at Designerland and for the good thanks to you guys out there who have supported me and Designerland for the past few years. I have officially been hired by Disney! Some of you that follow me on twitter may already know and again I apologize for taking so long to post it here. I've been in the process of relocating down to Orlando and come this Monday I will be 100% official.
None of this would of happened without your support and again I thank all of you for helping my dream come true.
What does that mean for future of Designerland? Sadly, it means that the blog will be no more. I may continue to post type case studies. Typography is one of my favorite things within the parks but this is a new chapter in my life and one that I've been working 12 long and hard years for. I hope to create things that you want and will allow you to take home a bit of the magic you experienced on your vacations, trips and outings.
I thank you all again for the kind words, the support, the encouragement and the love you've shown over the past few years. Please keep in touch and be sure to follow me on twitter as I will always be around.
Your greatest fan,